1905-1906 Official List of Post Offices
Yavapai County
Ash Fork - Town in Yavapai county on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway, and northern terminus of Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway. Some farming and stockraising in the vicinity. Altitude 5113 feet. Population 250. Ella F. Pitts, postmaster. (Ella Foley & Ella Pitts)
Aultman – Post Office in Yavapai county, 22 miles east of Jerome, the nearest railroad point. Farming, fruit and stockraising the industries. Population of vicinity about 400. Stephen Fred, postmaster and general merchandise.
Big Bug – Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county, on the Santa Fe, Prescott and Phoenix railway, 30 miles southeast of Prescott. Population of vicinity about 100. (Martha E. Whittaker/Martha E. Davidson)
Blanchard – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Prescott & Eastern Ry. 22 miles east of Prescott. Population 60. H D G Reynolds, postmaster. (Henry D. G. Reynolds)
Briggs – Post Office in Yavapai county, 34 miles northeast of Hot Springs Junction, the nearest railroad point. Mining the industry. Population 100. (Emery W. Fisher)
Bumble Bee – Post Office is Yavapai county, 20 miles south of Mayer, the nearest railroad point. Sheep and goat raising the industry. Population 25. (Joseph Crothers)
Campverde - Post Office in Yavapai county, 29 miles southeast of Jerome, the nearest railroad point. Stock raising, mining, farming and fruit raising the industries. Population of vicinity 1,2500. J H Wingfield postmaster, hotel and general merchandise. (James H. Wingfield)
Canon – Post Office in Yavapai county, 36 miles south of Mayer, the nearest railroad point. Stockraising and mining the industries. Population 25. (Monroe J. Fuller)
Catoctin – Post Office in Yavapai county 16 miles southwest of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. Leading industry mining. Population 20. Henry Tharsing, postmaster.
Chaparal – Post Office in Yavapai county, five miles west of Huron, the nearest railroad point. Mining the industry. Population 75. J S Jones, postmaster. (Jesse T. Jones)
Cherry – Post Office in Yavapai county, 16 miles east of Cherry Creek station, the nearest railroad point. Farming and stock raising the industries. Population of vicinity about 400. Mrs. Kate Allen postmaster.
Columbia - Post Office in Yavapai county, 32 miles northeast of Hot Springs Junction, the nearest railroad point. Some stock raising and mining the industries. Population about 100. M J Nolan postmaster & general merchandise. (N. Joseph Nolan)
Congress – Mining town in Yavapai county, four miles from Congress Junction at the terminus of the Congress Consolidated Mines Co. R. R. Population about 500. Altitude 3,200 feet. E S Jones postmaster, mgr Store Department Congress Consolidated Mines Co (LTD) (Edward S. Jones/George W. Dietz)
Constellation – Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county16 miles northeast of Wickenburg, the nearest railroad point. Population 20. P S Wren postmaster and general merchandise. (Powhatan S. Wren)
Copper – Postmaster Rose Roberts
Cordes – Post Office in Yavapai county, 10 miles south of Mayer, the railroad point. Mining the industry. Population 50. J H Cordes postmaster and general merchandise, saloon. (John H. Cordes)
Cornville – Post Office in Yavapai county, 15 miles northeast of Jerome, the nearest railroad point. Stock raising and farming the principal industries. Population 230. Elijah Lay postmaster and cattle.
Cottonwood – Post Office in Yavapai county, six miles northeast of Jerome, the nearest railroad point. Stockraising, farming and fruitgrowing the industries. Population of vicinity 400. E V Dickinson postmaster and general merchandise. (Edward V. Dickinson)
Crown King – Postoffice and mining camp in Yavapai county, at the terminus of a branch of the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry., 60 miles south of Prescott. Population of vicinity about 200. Altitude 5,600 feet. Geo F Barnes postmaster
Dewey – Post Office in Yavapai county and Cherry Creek station on the Phoenix & Eastern Ry., 20 miles east of Prescott. Mining with some farming the industries. Population 75. C C Miller, postmaster. (Charles C. Miller)
Goodwin - Post Office in Yavapai county, 24 miles south of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. (Anna Healy/William H. Johnson)
Groom Creek - Post Office in Yavapai county, 6 miles south of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. Mining the industry. Population 100. J C Shafer postmaster. (John C. Shafer)
Harrington - Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county, 5 miles south of Crown King, the nearest railroad point. Population of surrounding hills about 150. G G Shearer postmaster. (Robert F. Shearer)
Hillside – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 45 miles southwest of Prescott. Stock raising, farming and mining the industries Population of vicinity 300. T R Darnall, postmaster. (Thomas R. Darnall)
Hooper - Post Office in Yavapai county, 30 miles south of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. Population 40. James Roach, postmaster.
Hot Springs (Castle) - Post Office and winter resort in Yavapai county, 28 miles northeast of Hot Springs Junction, the nearest railroad point. Population 10. Altitude 1,910 feet. (Frank W. Sawyer)
Humboldt - Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 22 miles east of Prescott. Mining the industry. A large smelter is being erected by the Arizona Smelting Co. Population 100. Formerly called Valverde (John F. Hemenwag). W F Buckingham, postmaster. (William F. Buckingham)
Huron - Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 26 miles southeast of Prescott. Mining the industry. Population 16. R W Wingfield postmaster. (Robert W. Wingfield)
Iron Springs – Summer resort and post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 11 miles west of Prescott. Population 10. E E Patton general merchandise, postmaster. (Elmer E. Patton)
Jerome – Copper mining camp in Yavapai county at the terminus of the United Verde & Pacific railway, 28 miles east from Jerome Junction and 46 miles northeast of Prescott. Population 2.500. Altitude 5,200 feet. T E Campbell, postmaster. (Thomas E. Campbell)
Jersey - Post Office in Yavapai county, 12 miles southwest of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. Fred Smith, postmaster.
Junction ( Jerome Junction) - Post Office in Yavapai county and Jerome Junction station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway. Junction of the S F, P & P Railway and United Verde & Pacific railway. Population 25. Altitude 4.607 feet. Mrs. Jennie Paul, postmaster. (Virginia "Jennie" Paul)
Juniper - Post Office in Yavapai county, 40 miles northwest of Prescott, the most convenient railroad point. Stock raising the principal industry. Population 40. B F Denny, postmaster. (Benjamin F. Denny)
Kirkland - Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & phoenix railway, 30 miles southwest of Prescott. Farming and mining the industries. Population 75. J M McAffrey, postmaster. (Sarah A. King/John M McAffrey)
Kymo - Post Office in Yavapai county, 40 miles northwest of Prescott the nearest railroad point. Stockraising the industry. (Robert H. Ferguson)
McCabe - Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county, 2 ½ miles west of Huron, the nearest railroad point. The Anderson Metal Extraction Co. are putting in a cyanide plant (Anderson – Scanlan process) with a daily capacity of 100 tons. Population 400. (George Flammer)
Martinez - Post Office in Yavapai county and Congress Junction station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 66 miles southwest of Prescott and 70 miles northwest of Phoenix. Two good schools and two churches. Population of vicinity 250. Altitude 3, 032 feet. O L Geer, postmaster. (Oliver L. Geer)
Maxton – (Postmaster, Marella T. Alwens)
Mayer – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 32 miles southeast of Prescott. Mining is the principal industry. Population of Mayer and vicinity about 600. Altitude 4, 371 feet. Mrs. S B Mayer, postmaster. (Mrs. Sarah B. Mayer)
McDonald – ( Postmaster, Fred H. Gorham)
Middleton – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 47 miles south of Prescott. Some mining in vicinity. Population 25. Altitude 3,500 feet. Geo W Middleton, postmaster.
Minnehaha – Post Office in Yavapai county, 12 miles south of Crown King, the nearest railroad point. Population 25. Wm Button, postmaster and general merchandise. (William Britton/James T. Pierce)
Nelson - (William Carey/Clemens Scheerer)
Octave – Pos Office and mining camp in Yavapai county, 12 miles east of Martinez, the nearest railroad point. Population 200. J W Smith postmaster and mgr Octave Gold M Co. (James W. Smith)
Ora – Post Office in Yavapai county, 13 miles southwest of Crown King, the nearest railroad point. Some mining in vicinity. Population 5. Benj Heller, postmaster.
Placerita - Post Office in Yavapai county, 15 miles south of Kirkland, the nearest railroad point. Goat and cattle raising, quartz and placer mining the industries. Population 3? R E McGillen postmaster. (Richard E. McGillen)
Poland - Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county and terminus of the Poland branch of the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 35 miles southwest of Prescott. Population about 200. Frank Lecklider general merchandise and postmaster.
Prescott - The county seat of Yavapai county and the largest county in northern Arizona, is located on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway. 137 miles north of Phoenix and 56 miles south of Ash Fork. Prescott is a conservative city, enjoying a steady growth. Its business houses are among the best and most substantial in the territory; situated in the center of a large mining district, it is the natural supply point for the numerous towns and mining camps in Yavapai county. Prescott boasts of its find climate, neither extremely hot in summer nor cold in winter, with, “sunshine every day in the year.” Has good churches, schools, hospitals, court hours, Carnegie library, Elks Opera house, fine business and office buildings, municipal water works, good city government, three daily newspapers, two banks, one trust company, good hotels, a fine club building, electric light, street car, telephone system, ice plant, brewery, machine shops, etc. The S.F., P. & P. railway office and shops are located here. The St. Joseph’s Academy, recently completed and the Mercy Hospital are institutions of which Prescott may well feel proud. The public library, Elks Opera House and the Yavapai Club buildings merit special mention. Fort Whipple, a military post about one mile east of Prescott, will have improvements to the extent of $300,000 in the near future and the work is already well under way. Population about 6,000. Altitude 5,304 feet. A L Smith, postmaster (Albert L. Smith)
Puntenney – New Post Office in Yavapai county on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 15 miles south of Ash Fork. Population 10. (Thomas A. Miller, Charles B. Brown and Henry W. Carson)
Richinbar – Post Office in Yavapai county, 20 miles south of Mayer, the railroad point. Mining, sheep and goat raising the industries. Population 30. James Morris, postmaster.
Seligman – Town in Yavapai county and division point on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., 28 miles west of Ash Fork. Some stock raising in vicinity. Population about 300. Altitude 5,200 ft. Michael McBride general merchandise & postmaster
Simmons - Post Office in Yavapai county, 25 miles northwest of Prescott, the most convenient railroad point. Stock raising the principal industry. Population 50. W J Simmons, postmaster and general merchandise. (William J. Simmons)
Skull Valley – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry., 23 miles west of Prescott. Farming and stockraising the industries. Population of vicinity 100. E Somerville postmaster, agent S F P & P Ry and Wells-Fargo Express, mgr Postal Tel Co. (Edward Somerville)
Stoddard – Post Office in Yavapai county, seven miles east of Mayer, the nearest railroad point. Stockraising and mining the industries. Population 50. R M Brazzle, postmaster. (Robert M. Brazle)
Turkey – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 44 miles south of Prescott. Mining the industry. Population 40. Altitude 3,300 feet. L P Nellis postmaster, notary public and genl mdse. (Levrett P. Nellis)
Wagoner – Post Office in Yavapai county, 24 miles southeast of Kirkland, the nearest railroad point. Population 25. (Bentley E. Wheeler)
Walker - Post Office in Yavapai county, 12 miles southeast of Prescott, the most convenient railroad point. Mining the industry. Population about 200. A Stukey, postmaster. (Alvin Stukey)
Walnut Grove - Post Office in Yavapai county, 21 miles southeast of Kirkland the nearest railroad point. Farming and mining the industry. Population 25. T B Conte, postmaster. (T. B. Conte --Thomas B. Carter)
Whipple Ind. Sta-Prescott
Yarnell - Post Office in Yavapai county, 13 miles northeast of Martinez, the nearest railroad point. Some mining, stock raising and farming. Population 25. Leopold Walloth postmaster, general merchandise & saloon.
List was copied as published in the: Arizona business directory: including El Paso, Texas, with Los Angeles, San Francisco and Denver classification: including live stock department, wool growers' department, classified department: 1905-1906. Denver, Colo.: Gazetteer Pub. Co., 1905, 647 pgs
Information in red has been added from: ARIZONA TERRITORY Post Offices & Postmasters, by John and Lillian Theobald. When two names appear, one served in 1905 and other in 1906.
Aultman – Post Office in Yavapai county, 22 miles east of Jerome, the nearest railroad point. Farming, fruit and stockraising the industries. Population of vicinity about 400. Stephen Fred, postmaster and general merchandise.
Big Bug – Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county, on the Santa Fe, Prescott and Phoenix railway, 30 miles southeast of Prescott. Population of vicinity about 100. (Martha E. Whittaker/Martha E. Davidson)
Blanchard – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Prescott & Eastern Ry. 22 miles east of Prescott. Population 60. H D G Reynolds, postmaster. (Henry D. G. Reynolds)
Briggs – Post Office in Yavapai county, 34 miles northeast of Hot Springs Junction, the nearest railroad point. Mining the industry. Population 100. (Emery W. Fisher)
Bumble Bee – Post Office is Yavapai county, 20 miles south of Mayer, the nearest railroad point. Sheep and goat raising the industry. Population 25. (Joseph Crothers)
Campverde - Post Office in Yavapai county, 29 miles southeast of Jerome, the nearest railroad point. Stock raising, mining, farming and fruit raising the industries. Population of vicinity 1,2500. J H Wingfield postmaster, hotel and general merchandise. (James H. Wingfield)
Canon – Post Office in Yavapai county, 36 miles south of Mayer, the nearest railroad point. Stockraising and mining the industries. Population 25. (Monroe J. Fuller)
Catoctin – Post Office in Yavapai county 16 miles southwest of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. Leading industry mining. Population 20. Henry Tharsing, postmaster.
Chaparal – Post Office in Yavapai county, five miles west of Huron, the nearest railroad point. Mining the industry. Population 75. J S Jones, postmaster. (Jesse T. Jones)
Cherry – Post Office in Yavapai county, 16 miles east of Cherry Creek station, the nearest railroad point. Farming and stock raising the industries. Population of vicinity about 400. Mrs. Kate Allen postmaster.
Columbia - Post Office in Yavapai county, 32 miles northeast of Hot Springs Junction, the nearest railroad point. Some stock raising and mining the industries. Population about 100. M J Nolan postmaster & general merchandise. (N. Joseph Nolan)
Congress – Mining town in Yavapai county, four miles from Congress Junction at the terminus of the Congress Consolidated Mines Co. R. R. Population about 500. Altitude 3,200 feet. E S Jones postmaster, mgr Store Department Congress Consolidated Mines Co (LTD) (Edward S. Jones/George W. Dietz)
Constellation – Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county16 miles northeast of Wickenburg, the nearest railroad point. Population 20. P S Wren postmaster and general merchandise. (Powhatan S. Wren)
Copper – Postmaster Rose Roberts
Cordes – Post Office in Yavapai county, 10 miles south of Mayer, the railroad point. Mining the industry. Population 50. J H Cordes postmaster and general merchandise, saloon. (John H. Cordes)
Cornville – Post Office in Yavapai county, 15 miles northeast of Jerome, the nearest railroad point. Stock raising and farming the principal industries. Population 230. Elijah Lay postmaster and cattle.
Cottonwood – Post Office in Yavapai county, six miles northeast of Jerome, the nearest railroad point. Stockraising, farming and fruitgrowing the industries. Population of vicinity 400. E V Dickinson postmaster and general merchandise. (Edward V. Dickinson)
Crown King – Postoffice and mining camp in Yavapai county, at the terminus of a branch of the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry., 60 miles south of Prescott. Population of vicinity about 200. Altitude 5,600 feet. Geo F Barnes postmaster
Dewey – Post Office in Yavapai county and Cherry Creek station on the Phoenix & Eastern Ry., 20 miles east of Prescott. Mining with some farming the industries. Population 75. C C Miller, postmaster. (Charles C. Miller)
Goodwin - Post Office in Yavapai county, 24 miles south of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. (Anna Healy/William H. Johnson)
Groom Creek - Post Office in Yavapai county, 6 miles south of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. Mining the industry. Population 100. J C Shafer postmaster. (John C. Shafer)
Harrington - Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county, 5 miles south of Crown King, the nearest railroad point. Population of surrounding hills about 150. G G Shearer postmaster. (Robert F. Shearer)
Hillside – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 45 miles southwest of Prescott. Stock raising, farming and mining the industries Population of vicinity 300. T R Darnall, postmaster. (Thomas R. Darnall)
Hooper - Post Office in Yavapai county, 30 miles south of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. Population 40. James Roach, postmaster.
Hot Springs (Castle) - Post Office and winter resort in Yavapai county, 28 miles northeast of Hot Springs Junction, the nearest railroad point. Population 10. Altitude 1,910 feet. (Frank W. Sawyer)
Humboldt - Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 22 miles east of Prescott. Mining the industry. A large smelter is being erected by the Arizona Smelting Co. Population 100. Formerly called Valverde (John F. Hemenwag). W F Buckingham, postmaster. (William F. Buckingham)
Huron - Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 26 miles southeast of Prescott. Mining the industry. Population 16. R W Wingfield postmaster. (Robert W. Wingfield)
Iron Springs – Summer resort and post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 11 miles west of Prescott. Population 10. E E Patton general merchandise, postmaster. (Elmer E. Patton)
Jerome – Copper mining camp in Yavapai county at the terminus of the United Verde & Pacific railway, 28 miles east from Jerome Junction and 46 miles northeast of Prescott. Population 2.500. Altitude 5,200 feet. T E Campbell, postmaster. (Thomas E. Campbell)
Jersey - Post Office in Yavapai county, 12 miles southwest of Prescott, the nearest railroad point. Fred Smith, postmaster.
Junction ( Jerome Junction) - Post Office in Yavapai county and Jerome Junction station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway. Junction of the S F, P & P Railway and United Verde & Pacific railway. Population 25. Altitude 4.607 feet. Mrs. Jennie Paul, postmaster. (Virginia "Jennie" Paul)
Juniper - Post Office in Yavapai county, 40 miles northwest of Prescott, the most convenient railroad point. Stock raising the principal industry. Population 40. B F Denny, postmaster. (Benjamin F. Denny)
Kirkland - Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & phoenix railway, 30 miles southwest of Prescott. Farming and mining the industries. Population 75. J M McAffrey, postmaster. (Sarah A. King/John M McAffrey)
Kymo - Post Office in Yavapai county, 40 miles northwest of Prescott the nearest railroad point. Stockraising the industry. (Robert H. Ferguson)
McCabe - Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county, 2 ½ miles west of Huron, the nearest railroad point. The Anderson Metal Extraction Co. are putting in a cyanide plant (Anderson – Scanlan process) with a daily capacity of 100 tons. Population 400. (George Flammer)
Martinez - Post Office in Yavapai county and Congress Junction station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 66 miles southwest of Prescott and 70 miles northwest of Phoenix. Two good schools and two churches. Population of vicinity 250. Altitude 3, 032 feet. O L Geer, postmaster. (Oliver L. Geer)
Maxton – (Postmaster, Marella T. Alwens)
Mayer – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 32 miles southeast of Prescott. Mining is the principal industry. Population of Mayer and vicinity about 600. Altitude 4, 371 feet. Mrs. S B Mayer, postmaster. (Mrs. Sarah B. Mayer)
McDonald – ( Postmaster, Fred H. Gorham)
Middleton – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 47 miles south of Prescott. Some mining in vicinity. Population 25. Altitude 3,500 feet. Geo W Middleton, postmaster.
Minnehaha – Post Office in Yavapai county, 12 miles south of Crown King, the nearest railroad point. Population 25. Wm Button, postmaster and general merchandise. (William Britton/James T. Pierce)
Nelson - (William Carey/Clemens Scheerer)
Octave – Pos Office and mining camp in Yavapai county, 12 miles east of Martinez, the nearest railroad point. Population 200. J W Smith postmaster and mgr Octave Gold M Co. (James W. Smith)
Ora – Post Office in Yavapai county, 13 miles southwest of Crown King, the nearest railroad point. Some mining in vicinity. Population 5. Benj Heller, postmaster.
Placerita - Post Office in Yavapai county, 15 miles south of Kirkland, the nearest railroad point. Goat and cattle raising, quartz and placer mining the industries. Population 3? R E McGillen postmaster. (Richard E. McGillen)
Poland - Post Office and mining camp in Yavapai county and terminus of the Poland branch of the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 35 miles southwest of Prescott. Population about 200. Frank Lecklider general merchandise and postmaster.
Prescott - The county seat of Yavapai county and the largest county in northern Arizona, is located on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway. 137 miles north of Phoenix and 56 miles south of Ash Fork. Prescott is a conservative city, enjoying a steady growth. Its business houses are among the best and most substantial in the territory; situated in the center of a large mining district, it is the natural supply point for the numerous towns and mining camps in Yavapai county. Prescott boasts of its find climate, neither extremely hot in summer nor cold in winter, with, “sunshine every day in the year.” Has good churches, schools, hospitals, court hours, Carnegie library, Elks Opera house, fine business and office buildings, municipal water works, good city government, three daily newspapers, two banks, one trust company, good hotels, a fine club building, electric light, street car, telephone system, ice plant, brewery, machine shops, etc. The S.F., P. & P. railway office and shops are located here. The St. Joseph’s Academy, recently completed and the Mercy Hospital are institutions of which Prescott may well feel proud. The public library, Elks Opera House and the Yavapai Club buildings merit special mention. Fort Whipple, a military post about one mile east of Prescott, will have improvements to the extent of $300,000 in the near future and the work is already well under way. Population about 6,000. Altitude 5,304 feet. A L Smith, postmaster (Albert L. Smith)
Puntenney – New Post Office in Yavapai county on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 15 miles south of Ash Fork. Population 10. (Thomas A. Miller, Charles B. Brown and Henry W. Carson)
Richinbar – Post Office in Yavapai county, 20 miles south of Mayer, the railroad point. Mining, sheep and goat raising the industries. Population 30. James Morris, postmaster.
Seligman – Town in Yavapai county and division point on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., 28 miles west of Ash Fork. Some stock raising in vicinity. Population about 300. Altitude 5,200 ft. Michael McBride general merchandise & postmaster
Simmons - Post Office in Yavapai county, 25 miles northwest of Prescott, the most convenient railroad point. Stock raising the principal industry. Population 50. W J Simmons, postmaster and general merchandise. (William J. Simmons)
Skull Valley – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix Ry., 23 miles west of Prescott. Farming and stockraising the industries. Population of vicinity 100. E Somerville postmaster, agent S F P & P Ry and Wells-Fargo Express, mgr Postal Tel Co. (Edward Somerville)
Stoddard – Post Office in Yavapai county, seven miles east of Mayer, the nearest railroad point. Stockraising and mining the industries. Population 50. R M Brazzle, postmaster. (Robert M. Brazle)
Turkey – Post Office in Yavapai county and station on the Santa Fe, Prescott & Phoenix railway, 44 miles south of Prescott. Mining the industry. Population 40. Altitude 3,300 feet. L P Nellis postmaster, notary public and genl mdse. (Levrett P. Nellis)
Wagoner – Post Office in Yavapai county, 24 miles southeast of Kirkland, the nearest railroad point. Population 25. (Bentley E. Wheeler)
Walker - Post Office in Yavapai county, 12 miles southeast of Prescott, the most convenient railroad point. Mining the industry. Population about 200. A Stukey, postmaster. (Alvin Stukey)
Walnut Grove - Post Office in Yavapai county, 21 miles southeast of Kirkland the nearest railroad point. Farming and mining the industry. Population 25. T B Conte, postmaster. (T. B. Conte --Thomas B. Carter)
Whipple Ind. Sta-Prescott
Yarnell - Post Office in Yavapai county, 13 miles northeast of Martinez, the nearest railroad point. Some mining, stock raising and farming. Population 25. Leopold Walloth postmaster, general merchandise & saloon.
List was copied as published in the: Arizona business directory: including El Paso, Texas, with Los Angeles, San Francisco and Denver classification: including live stock department, wool growers' department, classified department: 1905-1906. Denver, Colo.: Gazetteer Pub. Co., 1905, 647 pgs
Information in red has been added from: ARIZONA TERRITORY Post Offices & Postmasters, by John and Lillian Theobald. When two names appear, one served in 1905 and other in 1906.